The HWPA have launched a new website with a whole host of new features for our members and plans to continue to evolve the site in the coming months. The website can be found via the same link and membership has been automatically transferred so no action is required from you.
New features include
– A brand new design for homepage, information, code of conduct and login.
– Fully revolutionised Derby Awards page, containing the latest news on the year’s big event and separate pages for each award, detailing all winners and entry/voting requirements.
– Updated Showcase page, featuring the best photos submitted for the 2021 Derby awards.
– Course representative table with each track’s dedicated committee member.*
– Redesigned news page, to make finding updates on events easier to find.
– Easier contact page for the HWPA and also directly to committee members.*
– Embedded social media to allow members to keep up to date with our activity on Twitter and Instagram.
*this will be further updated
For any issues, questions or feedback on the new website please contact James Stevens.